Librarian Land

January 25, 2009

It is my intention to keep this blog mostly focused on my triathlon training experience and raising awareness for lymphoma and leukemia research. There will be occasions when I find it necessary to digress. This is one of those occasions.

Those of you who know me (which is most of my readers, at this point) know that I am a librarian. I currently work for a public library and I select the children’s and teen materials that we buy. All in all, a very cool job. Currently, in support of said job, I am attending the American Library Association midwinter conference in Denver, Colorado. Imagine hundreds of librarians descending on a five square block area of a city. It’s something to behold. A few observations:

1) The convention center booked the Sportsmen Exposition right next to the ALA conference. I find it very amusing to stand near the door and separate the librarians from the sportsmen. It is not a very difficult task.

2) Librarians as a whole are not an attractive bunch. It’s sad, really, but there it is. I find myself torn between admiration for people who do not conform to society’s ideas of “attractive” and confusion as to why they don’t care, at least a little bit. If you ever see me wearing a kitty cat corduroy jumper or a sweatshirt with books appliqued on it, please, please, please stage an intervention. I might resist at first but when my head has cleared, I promise I will thank you.

That’s it for the moment. I have to run off to a collection development discussion group. (To make this post at least a bit relevant to my blog, I used the hotel’s fitness center yesterday. I’m going to take a spin class at the local gym tomorrow.)

The Team in Training kick-off is Wednesday night, so look for a post about that on Thursday.

One Response to “Librarian Land”

  1. Sean Says:

    I don’t know. I think that kind of outfit would be cute. You could theme it after some obscure author from the late 19th century. When people stop to ask you about it, you could totally make up anything you wanted. Who is going to check?

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